About Me​

Welcome to Love Eternallly Marketing​

Who I Am ​

I am Zachary Essien and I run a dynamic results-driven marketing agency that specializes in delivering innovative solutions to help businesses thrive in the digital landscape.

My Mission​

I partner with businesses, understand their unique goals, and create customized marketing strategies and solutions that not only achieve measurable results but also inspire long-term success and foster mutually beneficial relationships.

What I Do

Search Engine Optimization​
Social Media Management​​
Website Design
Pay Per Click​
Mobile Apps ​​​
UX / UI​

My 6-D Process​



My focus is to understand the problem or challenge at hand. I conduct research, gather information, and gain insights into the needs, desires, and pain points of the users or stakeholders. I uncover and define the problems or opportunities that need to be addressed.



Once the problem is understood, the design phase begins. I generate ideas, brainstorm possible solutions, and explore different concepts. I am creative and innovative to come up with potential design directions or approaches that could solve your problems I identified in the discovery phase.



In define phase, I refine the design concepts and select the most suitable one. I define the chosen design direction more precisely, taking into account user requirements, technical considerations, and business goals. This phase helps me establish a clear and well-defined plan for moving forward with your design implementation.



I create solutions based on the defined requirements and design specifications. It involves coding, programming, or building the software, as well as conducting testing and quality assurance activities. In the development phase, I turn the design concept into a functional and reliable product.



Once the solution is developed and tested, I make the solutions available for use by the intended users or stakeholders. This phase includes activities such as configuring the software, setting up servers or infrastructure, and preparing the environment for the solution’s implementation. Deployment ensures that the product is ready to be used in its intended environment.



The deliver phase focuses on releasing the product to the end-users or stakeholders. I package the solution, distribute it to the target audience, and ensure a smooth and successful launch. In this phase I may also include user training, documentation, and support to ensure a positive user experience and adoption of the product.

Why Choose Me?​

When you are with me you are getting world class experience.

Find your company’s calling

I am dedicated to helping businesses thrive by crafting strategic marketing campaigns, leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and delivering exceptional results that drive growth, increase brand visibility, and engage target audiences effectively.